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Селигдар-п Net Debt 2011-2025 | SELGP

Net Debt can be roughly defined as financial liabilities that an entity classifies in the financing section together with the resources available to service those financial liabilities[1]

Net debt is the obligations that remain after deducting all assets and other liabilities from a company or individual. It represents the sum of debts that an organization or person must repay to their creditors or other parties.

Net debt can include various types of obligations such as loans, borrowings, lease liabilities, or credit card payments. It is important to note that net debt does not include current expenses or obligations such as payroll expenses or current bills.

Assessing net debt is an important financial indicator for evaluating the financial position of a company or individual. If net debt significantly exceeds assets, it may indicate financial difficulties and insolvency. In such cases, the company or individual may face difficulties in meeting their obligations and managing their finances.

Net debt can also be used to compare the financial stability of different companies. The lower the net debt relative to assets, the more stable and financially sound they are considered.

Overall, understanding net debt helps evaluate the financial soundness and ability of a company to meet their obligations. It is an important indicator that assists in making decisions about lending, investments, and financial management.

Annual Net Debt Селигдар-п

2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
37.1 B 24.2 B 17 B 13.6 B 13.4 B 15.8 B 10.8 B 176 M 5.86 B 4.58 B
2020202020192019201820182017201720162016201520152014201420132013201220122011201145 B45 B36 B36 B27 B27 B18 B18 B9 B9 B00
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All numbers in RUB currency

Indicator range from annual reports

Maximum Minimum Average
37.1 B 176 M 14.3 B


  1. Pizzo, M., Moscariello, N., & Vinciguerra, R. (2015). Market Incentives and Regulators' Activity Shaping Financial Information: An Analysis of the Net Debt Disclosure in Italy. International Journal of Business and Management, 10(1), 1.