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Кубаньэнерго Goodwill And Intangible Assets 2004-2025 | KUBE

Annual Goodwill And Intangible Assets Кубаньэнерго

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
433 M 203 M 260 M 305 M 326 M 249 M 150 M 108 M 96.1 M 124 M 281 M 257 M 15 K - - - - - - -1
2023202320222022202120212020202020192019201820182017201720162016201520152014201420132013201220122011201120102010200920092008200820072007200620062005200520042004500 M500 M400 M400 M300 M300 M200 M200 M100 M100 M00-100 M-100 M
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All numbers in RUB currency

Indicator range from annual reports

Maximum Minimum Average
433 M -1 199 M

Quarterly Goodwill And Intangible Assets Кубаньэнерго

2024-Q3 2024-Q2 2024-Q1 2023-Q4 2023-Q3 2023-Q2 2023-Q1 2022-Q4 2022-Q3 2022-Q2 2022-Q1 2021-Q4 2021-Q3 2021-Q2 2021-Q1 2020-Q4 2020-Q3 2020-Q2 2020-Q1 2019-Q4 2019-Q3 2019-Q2 2019-Q1 2018-Q4 2018-Q3 2018-Q2 2018-Q1 2017-Q4 2017-Q3 2017-Q2 2017-Q1 2016-Q4 2016-Q2 2016-Q1 2015-Q4 2015-Q3 2015-Q2 2015-Q1 2014-Q4 2014-Q3 2014-Q2 2014-Q1 2013-Q4 2013-Q2 2012-Q4 2012-Q3 2012-Q2 2012-Q1 2011-Q4 2011-Q3 2011-Q2
317 M 302 M 358 M 424 M 185 M 156 M 162 M 203 M 192 M 221 M 240 M 260 M 210 M 246 M 276 M 305 M 256 M 283 M - 326 M 212 M 224 M 245 M 208 M 124 M 160 M 31.2 M 135 M 80.5 M 104 M 78.8 M 82.1 M 75.4 M - 80.3 M 80.3 M 85 M 85 M 124 M 113 M 274 M 274 M 281 M 254 M 36.8 M 10 M 3.63 M 1.3 M 15 K 15 K -63.9 M

All numbers in RUB currency

Indicator range from quarterly reporting

Maximum Minimum Average
424 M -63.9 M 170 M